"Buku Merah"

Hi mommies, may i know when it's a suitable time to open "buku merah"?

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i open mine at 3weeks.as soon as i found out because i didnt want another miscarriage and also i want to get the care i needed for my baby. best u call ur nearest kk and ask them when can u open.some says 8weeks some say as soon as possible.if u cant call them,do drop by early in the morning.kk opens at 8am. bring ur positive pregnancy test,ur ic,ur surat nikah if u are married,one of ur bills that indicates u stay in that area and ur knowledge of ur family medical history.

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5y trước

thank you, last year i had a ectopic pregnancy.. still traumatised until now actually and i was thinking to open buku merah asap

As soon as possible. Sebelum ni masa mengandung anak pertama sy miscarriage week 16 takde buku merah dan jd masalah kpd pihak hospital sblm proceed dnc, so masa mengandung kali ke2, dpt tahu pregnant terus sy buat buku utk elak terjadi perkara sama skali lg

5y trước

12 weeks

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Sebelum 12 minggu. Nah, di sini ada panduan cara-cara nak buka buku merah. Semoga bermanfaat! https://my.theasianparent.com/klinik-kesihatan-ibu-dan-anak-buku-merah

Next week hari isnin sis bukak lh..sy nih xtau preggy..bukk buku masa baby dh 13+ 😂 doc scan terus nmpk baby..2ari pastu terus mnum gula..

actually 7 weeks can open buka merah but incase if we hv any record in previous pregnany like miscarriage, they wil consider for open early

5y trước

previously i had history of ectopic pregnancy.. i was thinking to open earlier..

tahu ja mengandung terus pergi buat. Nanti nurse cek kandungan kita, dia bg ubt, vitamin. Jd lebih selamat pergi awal 😊

Nurse kk tempat saya kata 10w ke atas waktu sesuai. Saya 8w dah bukak buku dia kata awal sangat 😂 Excited 🤣

As soon as possible. Kalau lmbt nanti kena bebel dgn nurse and doctor.

5y trước

Yerr. Sebelum dia byk tanya soalan kenapa lmbt bukak buku baik pergi cpt2. Nanti panjang pulak tazkirah dorang.

Sy 4weeks da buka buku sbb ibu hamil berisiko. . .

doc n nurse suggest 9-12 weeks 😊