Nan Infinipro HW

Hi mommies, I hope someone can help me here. I’ll give a little background about my baby. Hindi ako nakapag-breastfeed due to lack of milk supply. My baby’s first milk was S26 Pink for 4 months after that nag tae siya at we consulted with our pedia and diagnosed as Lactose Intolerance. We changed from S26 Pink to S26 LF for 2 weeks tapos nagtae nanaman siya. We had to checked my baby’s poop everything was normal. Sabi ng pedia namin hindi hiyang si baby. So we again change to NAN Sensitive, everything’s good naman, 1-2 times pooping everyday pero dahil namamahalan na kami ni husband sa Sensitive dahil 1,300 ang 800G at it just last sa baby namin for about 3-4 days lang, I asked my pedia if we can go back to a regular milk, she then advised us na mag NAN Infinipro. My questions are: 1. How’s your baby’s weight gain sa NAN HW? Sa Sensitive kasi it’s slow but she’s still gaining; 2. Low lactose ba ang NAN HW? I was trying to find it on Nestle’s website but purp nutritional facts lang ang nakikita ko; 3. What’s the difference between INFINIPRO HW and OPTIPRO? Thank you in advance sa mga sasagot. 😊 #1stimemom #1stimemom #advicepls #theasianparentph

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