4 Các câu trả lời

direct feed is the best booster n simulator... try do tandem. direct feed + power pump together. like my case last time when i started having period, by milk drop and just dry like that coz i don't know how to do. Its good if u can get assistance from lactation specialist

yes...have some fun.. now my second child i found out my milk booster is sweet food 😅😅 still not having period bby now 9months. Hopefully not fail again

VIP Member

Milk booster is useless if u dont give any stimulation to your breast..if you are working and apart from baby u need to pump every 3hour..understand the concept of demand and supply..good luck mommy

Okay Roger that!

VIP Member

Try to pump every two hours. Demand vs supply. As I notice, energy drinks such as milo/horlicks do increase my milk production. Drink warm water before and after each pumping session.

Try consume red dates and longan .. fresh milk or even pregy mom milk ..

Okay I will take oats n lactation milk

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