Ultrasound result GIRL OR BOY ?

Hi miesss, sa tingin nyo po girl po ba baby ko o boy . Sabi kasi ni doc girl daw pero di pa surreeee ..

Ultrasound result GIRL OR BOY ?
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As for gender, the most accurate will be on the third trimester scan. I had several ultrasounds that first appear as boy (umbilical cord sighting) but ended up as a girl during the last scan. :) Your placenta still has lot of chances to move since you're only on your week 20.

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Hi sis. Girl yan..kasi ung kasamahan ko d pa daw sure ung jnang ultrasound nung na repeat sya na confirm na

4y trước

Sana nga sis, sabi kasi ni doc di padaw sure hehehe sana girl na talaga . Thanks sis

Girl kasi 16weeeks kitang kita pototoy ng baby ko

Aware ka po ba na.placenta previa ka?

4y trước

Salamat sis .. sana iikot pa to .

Baka di pa kita sa position ni baby.

4y trước

Malikot kasi si baby kanina sis .

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