Makating rashes

Mga mommies help nmn po, anu po kaya e2 tumubo saakin after giving birth. 7 months na baby q, naglabasan mga rashes sa katawan ko. Sbrang kati, anu po kayang mgandang gamot o sabon dito. At anu kaya twag sa rashes na to

Makating rashes
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it might be pupp momsh. common sa pregnant women. PUPPP stands for pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. It's a very itchy rash that affects some women later in pregnancy. At first it may look like small, raised, pimply dots, but it can develop into patches of raised skin lesions called plaques.

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Nagkaron din po ako nyan, hanggat maaari wag kamutin kasi lalong dumadami then nagsusugat, try nyo po sulfur soap then regular moisturiser lotion take nadin vitamin c, isa pong reason is mahina immune system natin after manganak.