Domestic flight

Hello mga mima ask lang pag nag travel poba ng domestic flight may bayad poba ang baby? Or anu mga need pag may kasama na baby ?

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No ticket fee pero may insurance fee po. We flew our 6mos old baby Manila to Siargao, around 500Php yata ang insurance fee nya. Brings snacks and toys (suction toys na nadidikit sa chairs and windows) and lots and lots of milk (kung formula or bottle fed). Padedein nyo po si baby during take off and landing and as much as possible the entire flight.

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Pag nagbook din po mommy, kasabay rin ng ticket mo/niyo po.

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Hello. 2 years old up may bayad. Kung wala pang ID birth certificate dadalhin. Dala ka ng toys, foods, drinks, extra clothes.