Transition to Formula Milk

Hello mga mi, ask ko lang sana kasi mix feed na ngayon c baby she's 20months old na and try ko na sana syang i-full na formula milk na. Paano ginawa nyo pag nagigising sya during night? 2 times a day sya ngayon sa formula milk and then pampatulog nya pag nadede sya sakin. Paano nyo po nagawa pag nagigising sya in the middle of the night? Thanks#advicepls #firsttimemom

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LO ko is 21months. mixed feeding. more on formula dahil working ako. nagpapabreastfeed ako kapag nasa bahay nako pero we still follow the schedule of feeding for the formula, which is 4oz every 4hrs. before matulog 8-9pm, may formula na sia. pampatulog ang breastmilk ko. gumagalaw si baby in the middle of the night 1-2am, binibigay ko lang ung breast ko then tulog na sia agad. gagalaw sia ng 5-6am, formula na binibigay ko kasi papasok nako. repeat cycle for the 4oz every 4hrs.

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