Self hurting
My LO tend to knock his head to whatever is ard when we refuse his request such as telling him not to play with power plug, not to put finger at door etc.. currently we try to distract him but is not easy.. is this normal?? Any way to improve this condition??

Almost same as yours! Mine consider playing around / curious period. But how bad for your side? Very loud bang type? Or on n off power plug ? Or just playing around? My lo is curious about power plug , likes to play at the door “hide n seek” , will touch too. Lo also will purposely lean against the cabinet soft “knock” bcos of the sound impact. But lo will laugh at it I have to keep repeating, cannot touch power plug area. Door I have to keep observing, stand beside. I will on children music or dancing , to distract my lo or I will play with lo. Play bubbles n such
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Mum of 1 rambunctious little heart throb