what about be the reason?

my LO spits out after every feed (fully on FM) always moving his hands, kicking, seems very uncomfortable, making a lot of noise. has phlegm at throat. should I change milk brand? currently drinking NAN optipro. super stressful to see bb like this #pleasehelp #FTM

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Maybe try reducing the milk amount?

10mo trước

I just realised its the "gas" making my baby uncomfy when i BF him lying down in bed, so i try to burp him when i see him start to struggle and face red and he "raise" his legs. Im using aptamil gold+, my baby jus turn 2mth, he is good with this formula milk since birth, i do not have enough breastmilk, so basically topping up with FM like 90%-100% most of the time. Realised there is aptamil profutura in ntuc, seems more premium but there are mixed reviews... i wanna try NAN optipro because "made in sg", but since baby used to Aptamil i dun dare anyhow swop. Im ftm too, not easy to burp cos baby still so fragile im so scare that i accidentally twisted him