what about be the reason?

my LO spits out after every feed (fully on FM) always moving his hands, kicking, seems very uncomfortable, making a lot of noise. has phlegm at throat. should I change milk brand? currently drinking NAN optipro. super stressful to see bb like this #pleasehelp #FTM

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hi, wondering if there is any updates on your baby's situation? I am facing similar issue and PD identified as reflux. currently mixing EBM and Nan AR (anti reflux formula) but the phlegm at throat, general discomfort during feeding is still present

1y trước

Thanks for the updates! I have also tried Ridwind and did not see any major improvements. Guess it could be a phase and will only pass after LO's digestive tract matures then. Hope your LO will pass this phase soon! :)

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Likely reflux. Can reduce amt but feed more times. May also be the milk brand. After each feeding, allow baby to rest at an incline for at least 15 mins. This shld help in the digestion

My daughter does the same, alot of hands moving and kicking. I just swaddle her up, lay her down at 45 degree angle and feed. I talk to her to soothe and calm her down.

1y trước

thank you!

Maybe try reducing the milk amount?

1y trước

I just realised its the "gas" making my baby uncomfy when i BF him lying down in bed, so i try to burp him when i see him start to struggle and face red and he "raise" his legs. Im using aptamil gold+, my baby jus turn 2mth, he is good with this formula milk since birth, i do not have enough breastmilk, so basically topping up with FM like 90%-100% most of the time. Realised there is aptamil profutura in ntuc, seems more premium but there are mixed reviews... i wanna try NAN optipro because "made in sg", but since baby used to Aptamil i dun dare anyhow swop. Im ftm too, not easy to burp cos baby still so fragile im so scare that i accidentally twisted him