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Hi, My kid gotten similar condition when she is 2 years old (similar to the picture as attached ) Started out as a common flu and her eyes kept on having sticky discharge. The condition was so bad that she could not even open up her eyes when she wake up in the morning. Best to bring her to see a doctor as they will prescribe you with antibiotic eye drops. Before you put the eye drops into her eyes. Must remember to do the following : - Remove all the dried and liquid discharge from the eyelids. Use warm water and wet cotton balls to do this. - Remove the discharge before the antibiotic eye drops are put in. ** be careful of the discharge as it can spread infection to others. Must always dispose of it carefully.Wash your hands well after any contact with the discharge. Mine took her 1 week to recover and best to keep her at home to prevent it from spreading to other children. Hope you little one can get well soon:)

Eye discharge associated with viral pink eye typically is clear and watery, but may include a white or light yellowmucus component. Bacterial conjunctivitis, as the name indicates, is caused by bacterial infection and can be sight-threatening if not treated promptly. it happen to my nephew before. which some elderly say is too heaty. but i feel that yellow and green discharge . it better to bring to doc to check . play safe

My #1 had it when she was about 2-3years old. It was quite bad especially sleeping at night. The discharge would harden and cause the eyes to stick together unable to open. I often had to wake up several times to clean it to avoid the sticky situation. Recovered in about a week naturally even though I brought her to GP and gotten eye drop.

Always use damp cotton balls to remove the discharge. Its better you seek professional advise if its not getting better. There's a period whereby my younger son's eye keep having discharge, we didnt consult doc immediately. And now he's having frequent block ducts in his eyelids. Doc is saying might need surgery if it dont get better.

You may wish to bring ur lo to see a doctor as it seems like there is possibly eye infection. Medicine will be given to clear the infection. For now, You can clean the discharge in outwards direction. Also, use a fresh cotton wool for each eye to prevent cross infection. Hope ur lo gets well soon!

If your baby is new born then it might be block tear duct . Massage the inner corner of the eyes downwards to the nose . Do it frequently it will go away by itself . But if your baby is not a new born then go to the doctor for some eye drops . Hope this help

it could be eye infection if your lo has respiratory issues like runny nose or fever. normally it will happen to have discharge in eye. need to get eye solution from doc or they might prescribe antibiotics instead to clear it.

How old is your child? Any other symptoms? If your baby is still young it could be a blocked tear duct. Otherwise it could be due to a cold clogging up the ducts or a bacterial infection. If unsure just bring to the doc :)

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Ears, nose, eyes are link. If nose is very block, may cause discharge too. Adult also same, if sleep well, no nose block etc, will seldom have eye s*** too. It's good to see pd for a peace of safe mind.

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