Hi, my lo fall from a chair and tooth came out. She is only 18 months. Any recommend toddler Dentist?

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Good pediatrics dentists are hard to find. I've read this review on Dr Ong Yean Sze from Kids Dental World. http://www.thewackyduo.com/2013/03/guide-to-kids-dentist-singapore.html Sounds like a pleasant experience for the children, and a very patient and good dentist to consider. Kids Dental World (http://www.kidsdentalworld.com.sg/index.html) Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital Add: 38 Irrawaddy Road #08-33 Singapore 329563 Tel : 66843113

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One of my friends just take her daughter to one of those Q&M dentists that she usually visits. She reckons it's convenient and she likes her dentists so far so she trusts that they are just as gentle with her 3 year old. But here's a list of child friendly dentists in Singapore that you can refer to: http://sg.theasianparent.com/best-dentists-for-children-in-singapore/

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Dr Tiffany Tan at dental designs @ Telok Ayer street. She's really good