4 Replies

Hi~a child sleep pattern can change afew times throughout their growing. If usually he nap more than 1 time, u might want to check for any changes to his sleep environment, things around him in the room. Or does he has any habits when he sleeps such as pillow pacifier or sucking of fingers. Some toddlers r more sensitive to changes around them.

My 18 month sleeps btwn 9-10pm plus and wakes up arnd 8am. But 530am need milk feeding even though already on solids. But he will wake up abit here n there through the night n needs to be patted. He naps once a day for abt 2 to 3hrs in the afternoon. Is this normal ?

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Yup my 18 month old started napping once a day from 1 year. Also sleeps at 8 pm but wakes up at 5.30 am

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