3 Replies

Well, I think it is because you are the only one currently who can offer that option for her. Suckling is comforting for your baby. You can consider offering a pacifier in place if you are open to that option. One of my friends really enjoy these sessions with her daughter as she feels that it is her "cheat" way of soothing her baby. Though it is really tiring but she was able to sleep through the such sessions now.

Tried pacifier with her but she was smart enough to reject it. She rejects bottles as well. My only worry now is that she can't tell the difference between hunger and comfort latching, and may hinder her development since she spends most of her time with me sleeping and latching and not doing any other things

If it's "comfort" your little girl is looking for from you when she's not hungry, maybe you can try to replace it with actual comfort items like a security blanket, toys or even a pacifier. I know some parents are not too okay with using pacifiers but I reckon it's better than you turning into a human pacifier right?

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