9 Replies
I give my son immunped daily to help him get the immunity boost, I find that it does help him :) Other than that, we do use humidifiers because our room is very dry - and add essential oil when he's sick :) When he comes back from childcare, I make sure that his sleep items are all kept in the room with the door closed - he's only allowed to go in after he showers. We also keep all his childcare belongings away from his home ones, eg. we have two of his chouchou teddybears. This is just to minimize the amount of germs from school! When it comes to going out, just take good care of hygiene - if you're not a hand sanitizer person then at the very least use wipes to clean hands and mouth before and after eating, or even just wash it with water and soap!
I use essential oils rub by Kidzparadise for prevention. And when kiddos are sick, just need to use more frequently... Alternatively if you like u can consider essential oils as well. I’m no expert but so far my kids rarely fall sick or even if they do, they recover pretty quickly.
Don't use the aircon. Try steaming up the toilet with hot water and let you LO hang around in the toilet with you for some time. The humidity will loosen phlegm
Hi... you might find this article informative https://sg.theasianparent.com/10-tips-protect-family-flu
My Daughter experiences the same thing. Warm water seems to help quite a bit.
Make sure she eats plenty of fruits and veggies and drinks Lots of water.
Can take probiotics to build up immunity. I’m using Biogaia.
Maybe probiotics? :) As a supplement :)
Prevent cold food and fried/heaty food