My little baby boy is one year old and suffering from hydrocele. There is no pain in this and swelling does not increase. When should I take him to operate because doctor said for minor surgery? At which age it would be good for him ? Should I go for his operation just after one year or should I wait to recover by itself ? because doctor also confirmed that may after two or three years it become normal but they are not sure they basically refer for surgery what should I do?

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Hi, Hydrocele generally becomes fine after a year or so in babies. If your baby has no pain and the swelling is also not increasing I guess you should wait for a while, as why to get the baby go under the knife if it is not causing any problem as such. Apart from surgery you can also ask the doctor about the Needle Aspiration. In this, a needle is inserted in the sac to draw out the fluid, and amy be an antibiotic may be inserted in it to prevent the sac from filling again. But check with the doctor if both can be avoided if there is a probability of hydrocele getting fine on its own. Consider taking second opinion too.

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