Good eve. 18weeks preggy
Would like to ask what are the best remedy to cure urinary tract infection during pregnancy? #advicepls #theasianparentph #1stimemom

dependi sa result ng laboratory nyu, may iba na kaya lang ng water therapy at buko. pero sakin di talaga kasi mataas ang rbc ko, buti nalang di dinugo ang ihi ko. Binigyan talaga ako ng antibiotic. ang mahal pa 😅
May gamot dyn antibiotics, aalisin nya sa katawan mo kasi impeksyon yan na pwede makasama sa baby
inom.po kayu buko juice or cranberry juice, and more on water po mommy; effective yun
Drink lot of fluids. Wag magpipigil sa pag-ihi. Prevention better than cure.
Follow doc's order. Drink lots of water. Effective din buko juice
Consult with an OB for advise regarding proper medication.
pano kung ndi nawawala ang UTi ano magging side effect
less sodium sa diet/ more water/ buko juice/
Domestic diva of 1 troublemaking cub