Lately I feel that my wife is paying too much attention on our newborn. So much so that she doesn’t even say goodbye to me when I leave for work. How do I tell her that I feel neglected?

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It is normal for a new dad to feel neglected after the birth of a child. You wife is probably too overwhelmed by her new responsibilities and may not have the bandwidth to notice the change in her behavior towards you. Take a look at this article first to find out how you can help her: When things are more settled, try to arrange for someone to babysit your newborn while the two of you take a date night out to relive the days before the baby. While having a baby shouldn’t take over your lives, it is inevitable that the first few months will be challenging. Also, take note of the signs and symptoms of Paternal Postnatal Depression (PPND; just in case the negative feelings that you are experiencing may develop into something more serious.

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