Lately I feel that my wife is paying too much attention on our newborn. So much so that she doesn’t even say goodbye to me when I leave for work. How do I tell her that I feel neglected?

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You should have date nights even once a week so you both can catch up on whats happening in your lives individually and as husbands and wives. Productive communication is the key because there are topics discussed and action plans. Date nights shouldn't have to be fancy. You can do it even in your sala or dining area as long as theres no distraction. God Bless!

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Your wife is overcome with love and affection for your newborn and is probably exhausted from giving birth to and taking care of him/her so it's really best to be honest and clear when you tell her. Tell her that you love your baby but you also miss spending time with her, just the two of you. Suggest a date, even just coffee so you can have "we-time"

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I think if you are also involved in the care of the baby you won't feel neglected, please get involved in your own little way and I assure you won't regret doing so... my 6weeks old baby recognized my husband and I very well and we both can pacify her when she's crying because he give in time to take care of her too whenever she needs us...

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one day when the baby is sleeping, hold her, make her sit down next to you, look into her eyes and tell her that you miss her. tell her that for you, she is the most beautiful woman in the world, and that having her love and time means the world to you. and yes, follow it up with a bunch of flowers and a chocolate :)

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I guess its a new phrase of life n that your wife is trying her best to accomodate to newborn. Maybe can find time where you n wife can have some personal time to have a good chit chat discussion over a dinner date or chill out.aybe someone either inlaw or parent can help out taking care of newborn while u n ur wife is out

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Just tell and be upfront to her, there is nothing wrong with what you feel. Rather than keep it silent and build up it could be worse outcome and affecting your sense. Sure do your wife is has lots of things in her hands as newborn is really hard work but just tell her when you are both in relaxing time

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Sorry to hear that i never let my hubby go to office without a kiss ,when you feel neglected she might actually be missing you as well you know?if i was you I would give her and let her know i missed her don’t blame her though,Communication and opening up to her might help perhaps?good luck

If shes not even saying goodbye this is a little strange. But for her to spend more time with a newborn is not strange. If you're really sure you are not reading too much into this, then you should chat with her. Or make a point of kissing and cuddling her goodbye when you leave for work.

Its a new baby... so of course she's going to be paying attention to the child. Maybe plan a romantic evening, surprise her with flowers, or just buy her something nice like a new bag or jewellery. Its alla baout rekindling the romance! good luck bro!

You just need to be more understanding. Your child needs more time and attention, it’s hard for your wife to keep it up with all the trasition. It’s overwhleming but your support is me she needs that more than anything.