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Jenama yang manakah sesuai untuk dipakai selepas bersalin #ingintahu #firstbaby

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Ibu boleh guna Pureen Madame maternity pads, ia lembut and sesuai sgt utk ibu yg ada jahitan kat tempat kemaluan especially with episiotomy stitches. Remember 1st week to 2nd week after delivery ibu will go through a very heavy flow of blood (darah nifas), so kena tukar pad setiap 3 to 4 jam to avoid any infection to your episiotomy stitches all. Ibu boleh guna maternity pad ni utk 2 minggu sbb dlm masa 2 minggu luka jahitan akan kering and sembuh. Then ibu boleh tukar kpd pad biasa (Kotex or Libresse).

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