Hi, financial advisor and fellow May mummy here. First thing to note is Medishield Life & Integrated Shield Plans are quite standard across all companies as they’re regulated by MOH.
Delivery/Pregnancy in general isnt covered by MSL or ISPs, although ISPs can cover certain pregnancy complications (usually more severe ones, c-sect isn’t considered a complication) you can refer to your policy illustration for more info. This should have been communicated to you by your advisor.
MSL&ISPs are designed to help with healthcare costs for illnesses, which can happen to anyone at any time so I highly suggest keeping it as there’s a million other reasons why one can be hospitalised. This is also the most claimed policy by my clients. If it is too expensive, there are other options (downgrading to public coverage) or looking at riders that are more affordable but still provide the option to go to some private hospitals.
As for pregnancy and delivery, most parents will use the baby bonus to cover back their costs/utilize as much of their medisave maternity package :)
As for your downpayment, that is unfortunately unavoidable due to what I’ve explained above.
Hope this helps!