6 Replies

Had flu, cough and coarse throat too, GP gave me loratadine cough syrup lozenges but i only took loratadine (flu meds) and i just sucked on hacks sweets. Had warm honey citron water most of the times and that helped me recover fast. Get well soon mummy!

I was down with covid. Warm to hot water helps with sore throat and coughing. Take a stronger lozenges every time ur sore throat act up. I have the worst dry cough and swelling throat. Now coughing almost gone, all symptoms subside within a week.

I also had it for almost a wk and seen 2 dr within that period of time. what works best in the end was a cough mixture and nasal spray. it helped a big deal.

You can try to boil ginger, then squeeze in lemon and add a bit of honey. Get well soon :)

gynae suggested that I eat pipagao, the one with less sugar in silver packaging box!

honey water, or gargling with salt warer

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