For 3 months to 6 months, it should atleast be 180ml to 200ml with interval of 4 to 6 hrs gap. However, this depends on your child body weight and how much intake can she/he take in without having any vomiting, issues, etc.
Well then if this is the case, you can consult doctor for further advice. Sometimes, infants dont take much due to their feeding pattern change, constipation, etc. Also not all milk formula products will have the same suggested milk powder instructions. What I have encounter each check up during immunisation or doctor assessment their main questions will be milk intake. If certainly they mentioned this is not a cause of concern, then it is fine.
Do you know baby’s weight? The amount to drink per day should be body weight (in kg) X 150ml
Is she gaining weight according to her curve shown in the health booklet and also peeing more than 6wet diapers per day? You can calculate the total feed per day and if baby is also taking around that amount then should not be a concern. But if baby is not alert when awake and just always sleeping and not feeding then maybe can check with PD