Bad thoughts

In my 11 weeks of pregnancy, but I kept having bad thoughts that I would lose my baby. Basically because a few of my friends miscarriage. One week of not going for gynae checks, I’ll start to worry and wondering how is my baby inside. Also because I have no pregnant symptoms and that kept me worried too.

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I'm in similar situation as you. A few of my friends lost their baby in the first few weeks of pregnancy. When I knew I was pregnant, I don't dare to be too optimistic about it. Even now at week 16, I'm still a bit afraid. I just learn a few days ago that another friend of mine lose her baby at week 5. I realise that no matter at which stage of pregnancy, mums will always worry. I just had to remind myself that as long as I'm not experiencing bleeding or unusual symptoms and I'm still having common pregnancy symptoms, I don't need to worry too much. While babies may seem small and fragile, they can be resilient and tough as well in our tummy.. Stay strong and positive! ??

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