Stop breastfeeding

I’m a mum of 2, my first born is now 3 and my second is 2 months young. I breastfed my first for more than a year, mainly pump and feed, and latch only for comfort. Now the breastfeeding cycle is back, and tbh it is damnnnn tiring.. I don’t enjoy it. To me it’s like a chore, very time consuming and I will have curfew, I can’t enjoy my outing because at the back of my head it’ll be all the time schedule for the next pump. Not just that, the engorgement is a bytch! Omg! Currently at 2 months pp, I’ve dragged my pump intervals to 6 hourly, 10 mins each side so I don’t trigger to produce more milk, and I will have about 100-150ml in total for every session. Now, I’m thinking of dragging my intervals to 8 hourly. But I’m in dilemma of doing it.. I feel guilty for my second born.. because if I do drag, I will produce lesser and lesser which means she will not have breast milk for as long as her brother. Can mummies out there share your thoughts. What do you mummies do?

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research shows that just 10ml bm is enough for a child to benefit from it everyday you can start a freezing system and alternate with fm.

9mo trước

Hi! Thanks for the information! 🫶🏻 baby is doing mix feeding, and I’m also freezing my milk! ☺️ but somehow feels that baby prefers fm over bm.. from the way baby finishes her milk 🧐