Breast Pump

Hello! I'm looking out for a portable breast pump that I can bring along when I'm back to work. Is there any recommendations? Thank you!

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horigen exqusiture by ourlittlelamb. so far the smallest portable and strong. check out the reviews bought obe through

Thành viên VIP

You can try real bubee , it’s very cheap. Can get from Q10 In case the suction doesn’t work for you , then try spectra S9+

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I’m using medela at home and supermamalab for out use. It is wireless and I love the suction

Real bubee can get at qoo10 suction same as avent small n portable

Super Mom

Using hegen at home and pigeon gomini at work

Real bubee. Spectra handsfree cups.

Influencer của TAP

BE mini cordless breast pump

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Spectra! But it’s not wireless

Thành viên VIP

Medela swing or hegen

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real bubee