2 Replies

I’m the same as you! Fetal weight at week 25 was 760g. Don’t worry about baby is a bit on a smaller side as long as gynae said we are on the right track! 😊 some babies will grow bigger at a later part. All babies are different! Let’s just play our part as mommy — to eat normal & healthy 2-3 meals a day, taking good care of ourselves and drink more water! 💪

Just want to share, my BMI is 17.22 (42kg) prepreg and my baby is also on the smaller side (2.6KG at 40 weeks). I eat a lot every single day but I’m the only one gaining (18kg!). My baby came out healthy and full term ☺️. Foods to increase baby’s weight can try durian, beef, eggs~.

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