I'm in my 13th week of pregnancy, and my face is full of pimples and pimples scars. Before I'm pregnant, my facial skin is soft and hardly a pimple will land on it. Do other mommies-to-be experiencing the same? Will my soft and smooth skin comes back?
yup...same problems here.. since this pregnancy.. I'm also having a lot of pimples.. before this not having this problem at all... I'm also 13weeks
kalau boleh kurangkan mknan berminyak...minum air suam@kosong selalu..dulu sya pun mcm tu...bila sya amalkan minum air suam sebelum air teh@susu...
Sama mcm sy. Sblm pregnant muka susah sgt naik jerawat. Skrg pregnant makin hari makin teruk jerawat naik. Harap2 lps bersalin nanti kembali okay.
sy msa 8w smpai 25w, muka naik bintik2 mcm ruam..lpstu cm naik jeragat smpai mngelupas kulit...sy mnx ubat krim ngn Doc, lpsty dh normal mcm biasa
Same here. Before pregnant 2nd ni my face only once in a while je ada jerawat. Tp since pregnant in 3 months my face full of pimples & scars.
Sy pulak masa mula2 mengandung tu muka naik jerawat dn kusam. Tpi lepas 13minggu ni mcm okay dh sikit2. Mula2 tu sampai takut nk tgk cermin. 😅
sy juga bnayak naik jerawat,ms anak pertama hr tu muka xde masalah beseri seri je.skrg bukan shj jerawat muka pun kusam,tp x pe demi anak.....
same goes to me..now im also 13th weeks of pregnancy. some of them said its normal during pregnancy but i think i need to go clinic and see how.
same here but it's normal to have pimples due to effect of the pregnancy hormones. hopefully our skin will be back to normal aftr delivery 😊
saya pon,prgnnt yg ke3 ni naik jerawat,😓prgnnt kat abg² nya sblom ni elok ja muka bersih xdak masalah.
Ye same la kite ....saya yg frst n second ok je muke yg ni naik jerawat sekali kt bdn2
Queen bee of 2 troublemaking boy