Hi , I'm getting anxious about my LO's walking development.. he will turn 15 months old on 15 Jan. He started crawling and cruising at 7-8 months old. Right now , he is able to walk with us holding his hands but so far I don't see him attempting to walk on his own yet. My elder one started walking at 11 months so I'm quite worried .. am I worrying for nothing? My mil kept asking me why he hasn't walk yet and kept saying that she wants to boil the frog soup for him.. haiz.. she said the frog soup will strengthen his legs.. sigh..

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I also think give him a little more time. He is definitely able to walk just how soon. My gal going 13mths also don't dare to let go of our hand although she forgot once and walked happily on his own for a distance. They are just scared I think. They will start to walk when they are ready