2 Replies

no not necessary to sterilize. i use up to 2-3 times at work then bring home to sterilize. i just wipe and use fridge hack with ziploc for it. depends on your personal preference. i believe fridge hack is sufficient and safe enough. My LO is now 18m old growing up drinking BM pumped this way, with no gastric issues or illness.

Hi, may I ask the fridge hack you store at freeze or chiller? Do we need to buy a separate fridge to store? Or as long it’s in zip lock bag it should be fine?

I’m returning to work in about 3 months time. I’m using the Imani i2 so I’ll keep a pair of collection cups in the office exclusively for office use so I don’t need to carry it to and fro. Planning to wash and air dry after pumping, then sterilise using the Baby Express portable UV bag.

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