first trimester woes

i’m currently in my first trimester (week 8 to be exact) and i haven’t been feeling the best. i cry so easily at anything and everything, nauseous, unexplainable fatigue, lack of appetite, and the list goes on. telling myself that it’s okay to not enjoy every moment of this journey, and that a bad day is a bad day. it is so mentally and physically draining 😔 i hope things get better for all the mummies going through this.

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Talk to someone if you need to. More importantly, think happy thoughts and hopefully all these will pass soon ♥️

1y trước

thank you for your kind words 🥹 grateful for a supportive husband for me to share this journey with.

Hang in there 🫶🏻 hope it gets better for you soon!

1y trước

thank you 🤍