Pink Book
im currently 7 weeks pregnant. When is the earliest I can open up the 'pink book' in government clinic?
Before 12 weeks. 11 weeks dh boleh p. 😊. Sbb sy p 8 weeks pun tk dpt buka juga. Next week will b my 2nd appointment. 😊
Tp kat sarawak.. nurse garang sangat nak buka buku pun knk marah dlu disuruh buka bila kandungan sudah berusia 12w
apa beza buku pink and buku putih. first daftar sis buka buku putih. pink belum lagi dah 15minggu.
depends on clinic but for me since 4weeks pregnant doc ask to open up the pink book
10weeks should be okay. 10weeks & above senang nak nampak bila scan 😊
I will call KK first and they will set date for open the book. For me , at 9 weeks
Sebaik nya sebelum 12w @ bila dh tau pregnant dh bole buka buku Pink..
sebaik tau pregnant dh bleh buka buku sis.. sy hr tu 4wk dh buka buku
i open pink book at 7 weeks and 2 days in the goverment clinic 😊
saya bukak buku pink masa 5week sbb ada kes 2x gugur