Worried Mom

Im currently at 4 weeks pregnant. When to poly yesterday to get referral letter and was told that the hosp(NUH) will call within 2 weeks. I had a miscarriage twice. Baby no heartbeat and cervical ectopic. Is it too late to wait? So far no bleeding. Only minor stomach cramps on/off. I also read from some forum that they will only ask to you come for appointment when you are at 12weeks pregnant. Isit true? #advicepls #pleasehelp

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I'm 5 weeks and I just went to the polyclinic today and got my appointment at KK on 16 oct.

4 weeks is abit too early . U can only see the yolk Sac maybe . Praying for u sis . ❤️

I am wondering too. I’m 4 weeks hoping to visit poly tml and get referral to NUH.