Baby movement
Hi I'm already 17weeks 4days. Alot of mothers been asking me if I can feel any movement. I don't really feel any movements or maybe I don't realise it. All I can feel are cramps sometimes. Is that normal or I need to raise this concern in my next appt.

Same thing happened to me. People started to ask if I could feel my baby movement around week 17 but I haven't felt anything yet even until now at week 19. As in the other comments, every pregnancy is unique and everyone has their own timelines. As long as we don't experience any heavy bleading or severe pain, we're good. Relax, mom 😘
Read moreI’m at 18 weeks 3 days now and can’t feel any baby movements yet. I do feel cramps and stretching around the lower belly too. But I guess I’m not so worried, as long as there’s no bleeding, we’re good!!
It’s normal. I only felt mine at week 22 and it was very mild 😊 Don’t listen to others, every pregnancy is different. 🫰🏻
thank you so much so nice to hear positive words. :')
Not to worry ! I am also week 17 and feel nothing. My gynae says we can only feel from week 20 or 21 onwards.
Got a bun in the oven