worrying about symptoms

i’m 5 weeks 6 days pregnant. No morning sickness so far. But having cramping often and lower back pain. Recently I’m having rashes on my body. Is it normal ?! #firstbaby #advicepls #firsttimemom #firstmom

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Tell doctor that you are pregnant and ask for some rash cream, or apply aloe vera gel. As for the cramping and lower back pain, I don't know how severe it is. If mild, then should be nothing la. If severe or accompanied by spotting, get advise from gynae. From own experience, I think got some mild ache here and there. Only in 3rd trimester backache was worse as baby is bigger. I bought a pregnancy pillow for support when sleeping at night. Different people have different pregnancy journey. Not everyone will have morning sickness, I didn't have one.

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thank you 🙏🏼

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Hi, first of all congratulations on your pregnancy! 😊 As per question, yes that's normal symptoms for a pregnant woman. Do consult with gynae for more information ya.

1y trước

Thank you 🙏🏼