3 Replies

I am 39w1d and still waiting game for me. I am aiming for vbac and doc gave me until 40w2d. unless there no other health risks, I don't see the point doc want to push you for a csect. plus, I read sometimes baby can be engaged during the labour day itself. if u really want to try for natural, I suggest you wait it out. there are a few ways u can try to encourage baby to engage on YT you can try.

I’m a FTM. I was only 1cm dilated at week 40D3, waterbag was burst by nurses at 7cm.. My gynae (also private) let me wait for baby’s cue but I had to be induced due to low fluid. I gave birth naturally 6 hours after inducing.

Considering you are still at 38weeks i think its best to wait. Avoid unnecessary csection.

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