Baby kicks

hi,I'm 32 weeks. ade x preggy mommys yg experience babys kick mcm heartbeat? baby gerak normal then tiba2 "dupdupdup" movement/kicks yg banyak or rhythmic.. I dont know how to say..??‍♀️ knp ye?

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yah i felt it too.. mcm sedu pun ye. tak senang duduk dibuatnya kan mommy.. hv asked a doctor but she also dont know why. oh im clueless

i baru rasa malam td jadi susah nk tdo . rasa ye macam degupan jantung.. dup dap dup dap . rupe ye . baby tgh sedu eh .😄

smlm pown sy dpt rasa perut sy dupdup laju.. ingtkan jantung sy yg laju.. tapi perut sy yg rasa dupdup.. risau jgkk..

It means, you baby is hiccuping.. it normal.. sometimes it can last for 1 to 2 minutes and happen 1 to 2 time a day.. 😀

6y trước

Yes sis.. if your husband put his hands on your tummy, he also can feel that... inshaAllah everthing would fine 😀

Baby sedu tu. I pun now 32 weeks and experienced that too. Mula2 terkejut jugak baby kicks like that 😂

mak saya cakap,tu baby tengah sedu..first saya fikir baby,xkn kuat mcm tu skali...😂😂

itu Baby sedu.. boleh google tuk baca lebih lanjut.. jgn risau.. itu normal😊😊

normal. skrg sy 34 weeks, kaki baby kt atas dh. bile dia kick je.. totally rasa heartburn..

5y trước

Hahah same goes with me 🤣

i feel the same too mommy. dont know why. sounds like heartbeat.

10 minit baby sedu2.. baru 2 hari lps happens 🙊