Sore Throat &Flu

I'm 17weeks5day today.Lately i have a sore throat and flu attack.Any suggestion?I do take fisherman candy to relieve my sore throat and take honey+lemon to cure it.

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try gargle with listerine.for me if u lost ur voice means its healling. and try not to talk too much. the more u talk the more yr throat will be irritate.if u do have to talk,speak softly as if u were whispering. i did these when i was 2weeks pregnant and glad to say it works. also i took strepsils and gatorade but i read some articles says strepsils contains antibiotic which some believe not to be good for the baby.

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Tq for info.Gonna try it

HI mommy. I used to experience same thing too. but another alternative that i can suggest is to gargle with salt water. it's natural cure. and you can repeat it every morning and before bedtime. it really helps, as i am really afraid to take any medicine / chemical based medication during pregnancy 😉

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5y trước

Hi mommy..tq for info ya.🤗

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