I'm 10 weeks pregnant and have been consuming folic acid. Do I stop at my 12th week or 12+6 or should I continue?

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2nd trim u can take prenatal vitamins/ obimin , it already contains folic inside.

My midwife had mentioned to continue them throughout the pregnancy so continue as usual x

Continue taking folic and ferus as your supplements until you give birth

Always check with your OB especially when it comes to medication or vitamins n minerals

I ate folic acid till 12 weeks then change to multi vitamin as prescribed by my gynae.

Just continue as per normal.. Gynae will give u obimin after 12 weeks.. 😊

I used it all through my pregnancy. I will suggest you continue the usage

My doctor said its only necessary to take until 16 weeks

I think continue taking is better til u gave birth 👍🏻👏🏻

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u can continue to take unless your multi vits have folic acid.