First time mummy here
Hi! I just wondering is it normal to feel tired all day during the first trimester, I’m in my 10 weeks rn. I cant wait for 2nd trimester but I’m afraid if I still feel the same. Because I don’t feel productive at all🥺

Hi~ I am a first time mum too, currently in my 12th week. It is extremely normal to be fatigued throughout the day, I was exactly the same, starting from around week 5 or 6, I kept wanting to sleep the whole day, not being productive, zoning out at work. It made my husband and I declare that we’ll stop at 1 😂 Just make sure u rest when u can, sleep early (I slept a heck lot, almost 12h on some days 😂) let your partner handle the chores as much as possible. It’s not easy growing a little human! And if this helps, at my stage I’m starting to feel less tired now. Remember, this tiredness will not last forever! 💪🏻
Read moreIs it normal to feel tired in pregnancy? It's common to feel tired, or even exhausted, during pregnancy, especially in the first 12 weeks. Hormonal changes at this time can make you feel tired, nauseous and emotional. The only answer is to rest as much as possible. How can I get rid of tiredness during pregnancy? Prioritise sleep. Taking naps if possible during the day (maximum 20 minutes) can really help with reducing tiredness especially in the afternoon, but make sure you're making the most of early nights and sleeping in as often as you can!
Read moreI understand. I am at my 10 weeks now and I am sooooo extremely tired. And I keep sleeping too. I also am waiting for these to be over soon! My 1st appointment coming up so I hope doctor say it is all okay !!
heyyy yes first tri is veryyyyy tiring. in fact i'm pregnant with my second and also 10+3 weeks now and still tired but today idk la the energy abit good i did alot of house chores HAHAHA but just remember you are building a human in you. even if you're doing nothing, you're still tired. 🥲
yeah we can do it! 🙌🏻
Hello! I’m also a first time mommy and also in my week 10 now! I feel so sleepy & tired the whole day and don’t feel productive at work at all 😢
Yeah! We’re baking a bun in our body☺️ so let’s get through this together💪🏻