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I was terrified actually and very anxious before the procedure but I knew I had to go through it. They asked me to lie down and as I stared at the ceiling lights, I try to calm myself down by deep breathing. I also told them that I was feeling anxious and they were very nice which helped to calm me down. I think they will insert the speculum before inserting the tube with the balloon and dye... so it feels like a pap smear checkup. Something I hate as well but you just have to try and relax. The balloon will rupture inside your uterus to release the dye. I think you might feel slight cramps here but for me it was bearable. The painful part for me was when they did the vaginal scan and the sonographer kept pressing hard inside of me to “see more clearly”. I made some sounds to show discomfort and she kept apologising and told me to hang on cos she needs to see the tubes properly and that my uterus is “quite high”. But pain is still bearable. There’s some spotting after the procedure but I don’t feel any pain immediately after. To me, it was more terrifying in the mind rather than the actual thing. So if you’re feeling anxious, just remember it’s not as bad as you think it is. Good luck in booking your appointment!

Done with my hyfosy scan. First saline solution was a bit uncomfortable but not so Painful. It was a painful at injections of dye like about 5 min I think. I just bear with it. The dr said it’s the probe but after she took it out it’s fine. After that the vaginal X-ray I m ok. After procedure done, no pain at all. Only that moment in the middle of the procedure. Now I just wait for my second consultation for review.

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