When pumping, I will use my other hand to press the top, outer side, bottom and inner side sequentially, to get all the milk out. I change the area i’m pressing when I see that the milk stops shooting out, then when I press a new area, milk shoots out again. Emptying the breast is important for 2 reasons: 1) preventing milk retention that can cause blockage/mastitis, 2) maintaining your milk supply.
Yes you should clear your bm empty. You can try another 15-30mins to clear? If didn’t clear it will engorged again. Keep on massage your breast, bath with warm water or use a hot towel ( short ) to compressed to it Maybe you can consider Spectra S1 / medela Less troublesome which don’t have to self express each time
After I pump I will finish off with hand expression. It helps to empty the breasts and also helps me get 10-20ml more milk.
Breasts wont be empty per se, just have to clear milk as much as possible. Try breast compression when pumping
Remain at 3 cycle but increase the suction so that you can clear the breast milk more effectively?