I am very curious... if husband earn more than wife, should he contribute more money to the family?

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For me Yes he should. Normally husband should know his responsibility to be the bread winner of the family. Then if wife is working her income is just an additional bonus.

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You two can discuss how each of you can contribute to your finances. If you feel your Husband must contribute more, you should share with him your thoughts.

Consider percentage contribution base on income of both parties to a common "utilities" account where it is drawn down for family expenses and bills.

All depend on communication between both. But no point having a fight because of this issue. Just have to ensure there is positive saving

Ideally yes. It makes more sense since raising a family isnt cheap so every extra cent pumped into the welfare of the family counts.

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Yes he should. I felt there is no need to be calculative but it will be good if he step up since he have the capacity to do so??

No. My hubby and I both set aside a fixed amount of $ monthly for household expenses and spend based on that. 50-50.

We contribute to joint account equally but my husband would auto pay for ad hoc expenses such as meals, diapers etc.

Husband and Wife - both income should be pooled together to become one. That's what marriage is about.

Ya I Guess... also it’s not husbands money or wife’s money rt... it’s the whole family’s money.