I tried to conceive two times, in January and in March, and both resulted in biochemical pregnancy.
my period was due on the 21st March and on 23rd of March I did a home urine test and had positive pregnancy result. Two days later I scheduled a visit to my gynea and did a vaginal scan but couldn't spot any gestation and also did a clinic urine test that showed negative. my gynea told me that i could be having biochemical pregnancy again and that I just need to wait for my bleeding to come naturally.
the gynea told me that it could be stress, hormone inbalance (but my menses is always regular), unhealthy sperm/eggs.. when ask what I should do if I want to try again, he just prescribed me folic acid supplement.
I'm just so confused, upset and disappointed, and I don't know what went wrong and what to do. I feel like I shouldn't give up but I'm afraid of getting disappointed and heartbroken again. anyone of you experienced this before? please share with me your experience and how you overcome this!