I saw my gynae at week 7. The next appointment will be at week 15. Is the interval too long?

I thought we should see the gynae for checkup every month during first and second trimester?#advicepls #pleasehelp #1stimemom #firstbaby #pregnancy

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Agree with all the mommies here, around week 11-12. Maybe check with your gynae. The main tests (FTS/NT scan, NIPT, antenatal blood test) for first trimester are done around week 10-12. By week 13 to 14, I had the test results (in 2 appointments). Now waiting for my next appointment in Week 19-20.

Try to make an earlier appointment with your gynae. I’ve been seeing my gynae every 4 weeks since week 6. I did NT scan and NIPT at week 12 and alr made appointment for week 16 for the NIPT results and week 20 scan. I’m currently 13wk plus.

Hi, I think you should request your gynae to arrange an appointment at week 12 and subsequently every 4 weeks interval. It is critical to monitor the growth and development of the baby every 4 weeks

hmmm NT scan needs to be done befor week 14, so usually there should be one before. I think u better check with ith them?

3y trước

I've seen gynae at week 5+, week 10 and NT scan at week 12... gonna have another appt at week 15

Thanks for your advice! i went to walk in and have a check up with another gynae on Wednesday.