I think I need a therapist

I thought after 14 months of carrying my bub outside my womb is enough to say I am mentally stable enough to be calm for most of the week. Here I am with another breakdown. I experience this maybe every 2-3 weeks most especially when I am loaded with things to do and to worry about. I dont know if I need mental health my thoughts tell me I am a crazy person who ruins my husband's then peaceful life and the life of our son who does not know any evil. I feel sorry for being this down and needy. I just want to take a break but well, corona. I dont really know what to do Ive been searching for free counselling to help me sort out my thoughts

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Usually majority ng may mga postpartum ay ung mga mom na masarap buhay dati. Masarap in a way na nagagawa nla lahat, cgro nanibago ka sa routine mo.. u just need someone to talk to. If u can afford, pakuha ka helper sa asAwa mo kasi malamang pag hindi kna magkanda ugaga sa gngawa nttrigger ung anxiety mo.. just enjoy the process momsh lahat tau dmdting sa ganyan. Like me, 2 inaalagaan ko. My times na magwawala ka na sa irita, but most of the time i look on positive side , just cherish the moment magulat ka nlng malaki na sila magagawa mo ndn lahat ng gsto mo.. this time paka nanay muna tau :)

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