I just think post partum is hell and a lot tougher than the actual giving birth. And breastfeeding is the main cause of it. I mean not only it doesn't allow you to sleep, it causes you physical and mental pain. It feels like torture. I cannot wait for my baby to turn 6 months because I can finally stop bf. I really don't think there's much enjoyment to it. Like alright I like to see when my son is latching on to me but hey there are so many other ways to bond that doesn't cause my chest to hurt. I get sharp pain ever so often in my breast. It feels like someone is sticking needles into them. And then, the breast pads are so uncomfortable to wear outside. Why are they so scratchy? They ruin my mood instantly. Also my breast feels so tender most of the time that even a light touch feels uncomfortable. I also hate showering now because it hurts my breast. Even wrapping a towel over my body causes discomfort. Can someone just tell me if the antibodies in BM is worth all this agony? Can someone shed light scientifically if it is superior of all milk and helps with baby's immunity? Bf is a nightmare