43 Replies

sy pn bru mscrged last month because of polyp..dr ask me to take a rest for 6 month its due to 2 operation done in a month..a month just past waiting for another 5 month to try to conviece again..hope it will go smothly

Last January 12, I suffered a miscarried to my first baby. She/he is my angel now. Then by February 10, I took a PT and it came out positive. Im now 21 weeks pregnant. Have faith and keep praying.

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Yes mommy. She suffered miscarriage also and then after a year she is pregnant now shes on her 5th month. Dont lose hope and for sure God will give the desire of your heart. God Bless you!

Im still trying 8month after miscarriage. Bht fdont loose hope dear. At least, its a good sign that we know we can get pregnant. Its just not the right time yet. Dont get stress ok 😉

VIP Member

I know of a friend who suffered miscarriage but conceive again within 3 months. Most important is never give up and keep on trying. Have faith in yourself. :)

saya pernah gugur n doing dnc on 16/1/2011 n positive upt balik 18/2/2011 😅 my son sekarang dah darjah 2..kalau ade rezeki xke mana...doa byk2😘

VIP Member

10yrs na kme ng partner ko. during first year nmen i had a miscarriage blighted ovum. parang nagka-trauma aq sa experience. nung 9th yr nmen nabuntis ako

yes I had a miscarriage last year August and I'm now bless pregnant again just pray for safety journey until I get my baby

VIP Member

sy miscarriage terus ttc by that month jugak . tak tggu missed period dulu . ceoat lekat n ada pakar mengatakan ianya lebih sihat . hehe

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