4 Các câu trả lời

Don't worry. Its called implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is common, and it usually isn't a sign of a problem. Implantation bleeding is thought to happen when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. But, if you have a heavy bleeding after this, such as fresh blood color. better go check with a doctor. Don't delay. 😊

I’m sorry to hear about that 😞 To clear my doubts I have visited the gynae and thankfully the gestational sac is visible. The spotting has also stopped today. Doctor prescribed me with Duphaston for two weeks. Hope all remains well! Next appointment in 2 weeks time.

Thank you all for your suggestions and support. I’ll head into the gynae tomorrow to check as there has been more discharge but now dark brown with mucus like texture. Hopefully all will be well 🥺🤞🏼

Haii . Sama la usia kandungan kita . Dua hari lepas sy dah alami . Keluar yg light pink tu . Tp dah stop . Masa anak 1st pun mmg mcmni jugak sy . Tapi apa2 pun rujuk doktor yaa sis . Take care ❤️

Sye 4weeks 6day. Klua light pink jgk.. n rase mcm nak cramp. Normal tk sis

Please check with the doctor..

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