am i pregnant?
i really need some answers, opinions and suggestion... 1st test is with faint line positive but 2nd and 3rd test is negative! am i pregnant or not or just have some patience and test again in few days time???

Have a few questions for you. Which DPO (days past ovulation) are you on now? Could it be early? Did you use a cheapie pregnancy test? I notice they always pull an indents at times (faulty test)! Best to wait for 2 days and test on FMU as HCG doubles every 2 days! Good luck :)
Probably not...if u did the tests on different days....check after 4 days to be sure
Test it again, best to do so in the morning first toilet visit to be more accurate.
Check again in few days time. Preferably in the morning.
Please check again after a few days to confirm.
Test again after a week or consult a doctor
Can check again or consult a doctor
Try again in a few days time..